[Salon] The B-21: another Air Force diva that can’t deliver?

All -- Andrew Cockburn was gracious enough to let me put his excellent piece from his Spoils of War Substack on Responsible Statecraft today. 

He is the master at setting the stage for sure:

The blue backlighting, the sonorous music (One Day, by Caleb Etheridge) the shiny shroud strip-teased off the partly hidden aircraft by shadowy figures, the flyover by the bombers the B-21 will allegedly replace, were military-industrial showmanship at its best, giving us not a scintilla of worthwhile information about the plane. Fittingly, its primary selling point, according to its promoters, is “stealth” – a supposed ability to remain invisible to radar and other sensors. Given that earlier systems advertised as being cloaked from radar scrutiny, such as the F-22 and F-35 fighters, have turned out to be visible after all especially to decades-old low frequency radar systems, the prospects are not hopeful. We do however know that it has the most important characteristic of stealth: invisibility to the taxpayers.

Please read more today at RS: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/12/08/the-b-21-another-air-force-diva-that-cant-deliver/

all the best
Kelley V


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